Have you been following along for a while but haven't made your way into the gym yet? Or maybe you have been, but it's been some time.
First of all, thank you for reading whether you come to the gym or not!
Have you wondered who exactly Heat is for? Our program is designed in a very thoughtful, intentional way. One that will certainly appeal to some more than others.
Heat classes are well suited for those that:
- want to get stronger, leaner, and feel their best without beating up their bodies in the process
- enjoy socializing and having fun while they workout
- appreciate and welcome hands-on coaching
Heat classes probably aren't for you if:
- you don't think your workout was worth it unless you feel like death after
- you think you should be in constant motion for every minute of your workout because "rest is for the weak"
- you're against lifting heavy for fear of getting "bulky"
If you're looking for a well rounded program that will help you get stronger, leaner, more athletic, and stay injury-free along the way - I think you should give Heat a shot. If you prefer a gym where no one will speak to you, coaches couldn't care less if you're doing exercises correctly, and you leave feeling like you've been hit by a truck. . . . Heat is probably not for you.
What can I say? We're built different! And we're pretty proud of that :)
Are you worried that if you lift weights you'll get bulky? This is a concern we hear a lot, mostly from the ladies. And while I don't want to discount your worries - you have every right to care about your appearance - I'm here to tell you that building large amounts of muscle is no easy task.
Have you ever met a body builder? Ask them if they bulked up when they started lifting and they'll likely spit their gallon-sized water in your face!
It takes YEARS of dedication to put on large amounts of muscle. We're talking a completely dialed in diet, consistent training for years (sometimes multiple times per day,) lifting very heavy weights, and sometimes even a little help in the testosterone department - as most women generally lack the testosterone levels needed for significant muscle mass gain.
My favorite analogy for this is: thinking you'll turn into a body builder from lifting weights is like thinking you'll turn into a Nascar racer from driving a car.
Unless you decide to dedicate your life to getting bulky, it's probably not going to happen my dear.
So let's ditch the baby dumbbells and excessive cardio, and start challenging ourselves on the weights! I think you'll find that the benefits of strength training far outweigh any worries of turning into the incredible hulk.
In a world full of fitness opportunities, promises, and (mis)information, it's easy to see how people get confused and overwhelmed.
Do this exercise and you'll look like me! Follow this diet and you'll lose 30 pounds in 30 days! Purchase my online workout program and your problems and belly fat will melt away! Sound familiar? With so many claims and options to try, it's really tough to know which route to go.
Even though trying something new, flashy, and different every day sounds entertaining. . . . it's not the best route to results. In fact, it may never lead to results at all for some people.
The best way to see results in the gym is to stick to a training program that focuses on the basics. Have you ever read a more BORING sentence? I nodded off while typing it. But that my friend, is what works.
Think pull-ups, push-ups, deadlifts, squats, lunges. Focusing on good form and progressive overload - meaning that you're strategically increasing the intensity of the exercises through weight, reps, and tempo over the course of a program.
Getting to the gym consistently and following a program that makes sense is what gets results. And that's what you're here for, right?!
Happy New Year! I hope you're coming off some happy times with friends, family, good food, and a break from the daily grind. For those of you that may not love the holidays, might feel completely stressed out by them, I hope you are now recovering!
January is a buzzy time. . . . people are inspired to get to the gym, dial in their nutrition, read all the books, and solve the world's problems. If you're feeling that burst of motivation - then hell yea! capitalize on it and get to work. You can accomplish a lot when fueled by new year resolution energy!
Heads up: buzz kill incoming . . . .
Motivation alone is not enough. Sorry to say it, but according to the research, it's true. You actually already know this because it's happened to you a million times. You're super motivated to start a new workout routine, nutrition plan, job, relationship - anything! You put your best foot forward for a while and then inevitably, that motivation eventually wears off. It's only natural. You can't stay up that high forever.
This is where consistency comes into play. When our motivation wears off we have to fall back on consistency. We need an established routine that's there for us when we don't feel like showing up.
So. . . . let's use this new year energy as fuel to form healthy habits. Go ahead and get your workout schedule planned out and stick to it! Create the routine while you're feeling motivated. When the motivation leaves you, your routine will be there to catch you.
If you can stay consistent all year long, 2024 may just be your best one yet :)
Are you training hard enough during your workouts? The sad truth is. . . probably not.
Research consistently shows that the average gym goer drastically underestimates the weights they can lift. Or if you're like me. . . . sometimes you're just being lazy.
Much to my chagrin, under-doing it in the weight room can drastically decrease the results you'll see from strength training. Check out these tips to ensure you're challenging your muscles enough to maximize strength and muscle gains:
- at the end of the majority of your strength training sets, you should have no more than 1-3 reps left in the tank.
- the weights should noticeably slow down on the last few reps of your sets. If your reps are moving at the same speed on your first and last rep of a set - you're nowhere near failure. Time to go up in weight or reps!
Still not sure if you're pushing hard enough? Take a set all the way to failure from time to time and truly test your upper limits. 9 times out of 10 you'll be able to do more than you think!
Sprints are amazing for your health! Is sprinting part of your training program? Find out why they’re so great.
Is sprinting part of your training program? If you want to improve your health and build a lean, functional body, sprints are integral! Check out 5 reasons why we love sprints:
1. Sprints help build and maintain muscle
Sprinting is an anaerobic exercise, so it helps build muscle in a similar way that weight training does. Research shows that sprinting can enhance protein synthesis pathways, so when paired with proper nutrition and recovery, sprinting can promote muscle building.
2. Sprints keep you fast and athletic
Most people begrudgingly accept that you have to slow down with age but you don't! Sprinting helps keep us young. If you don't use it you lose it though, so get to it.
3. Sprints improve cardiovascular health
Studies show that regular sprints lower your risk of heart disease, improve blood cholesterol levels, and help control/prevent high blood pressure. Steady state cardio is beneficial and has a place in any solid training program too, but sprints HIIT different! ?
4. Sprints are convenient
You can do them anytime, anywhere, and in just a few minutes. No equipment necessary!
5. Sprints are fun!
Ok maybe not during. . . . especially in the beginning. But once they’re done you feel great! Feeling yourself improve on them over time also feels amazing. And feeling amazing is pretty darn fun if you ask me.
Sore muscles don’t always mean you had a great workout. There are so many other important factors to take into account.
Ever found yourself so sore the day after a workout that you wince at the mere thought of stairs or sitting down on the toilet?! Many of us have experienced this and thought - yes! that must have been a great workout! It's a common belief that muscle soreness is an indicator of a productive workout, but let's explore why that might not always be the case.
Soreness isn't always a reliable indicator of progress.
Soreness is more often a result of doing something your muscles aren't accustomed to rather than a clear measure of strength gains. That's why you get super sore after starting a new training program or getting back in the gym after a vacation. Your muscles just aren't used to it!
Too much soreness can lead to injury.
Pushing your body to the point of extreme soreness too frequently can actually be counterproductive. If your body feels like crap going into every workout, the likelihood of getting hurt goes way up. Overtraining can lead to injuries and burnout, hindering your long-term fitness success.
Recovery and consistency matter more!
Instead of focusing solely on soreness, consider your overall progress and recovery. Have you been able to increase your weights over time? Has your form improved? Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy throughout your day?
These are the indicators of improvement in the gym. Consistency in your workouts, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest play a more substantial role in achieving your fitness goals than how sore you get.
While that feeling of soreness can feel rewarding and even addictive at times, remember it's not all that matters. Not even close!
When many people embark on their fitness journey, their goal is to lose weight ASAP. And while we love the motivation and eagerness to get started. . . . we also have some bad news. Losing weight quickly rarely works :(
Research shows that somewhere between 75%-90% of people that take weight off quickly put it right back on. Oftentimes if you go in too hot, drastically reducing your caloric intake and/or increasing your energy expenditure you will indeed drop weight quickly. The issue is that most people can't sustain these dramatic changes for long and as soon as that motivation wears off and your behavior goes back to "normal," so does your weight.
Losing weight quickly can also lead to muscle loss, low energy, and nutritional deficiencies. Your body needs to be fueled to feel and perform it's best!
Your weight does not define you or your overall health. There is no shame in wanting to drop some lbs, but the number on the scale is not the only indicator that you're kicking @ss. Your strength gains, sleep, energy levels, and so many other factors are important players as well.
Maintaining a healthy weight over time is achieved through balanced nutrition, consistent training, and a lifestyle you can maintain and enjoy.
So consider ditching the quick fixes and find a more methodical approach to wellness. It's the only thing that works in the long run!
Motivation happens in motion. Unfortunately it doesn’t appear out of thin air and it doesn’t last forever. Sometimes we have to get moving to start feeling motivated!
Are you in a slump? Trying to find the motivation to workout, eat nutritious foods, complete a nagging task on your to-do list? How do we stay motivated??
The sad truth is . . . . . we don't.
We've all felt that intoxicating rush of motivation when we first started a training program, a new job, or were preparing for an exciting event - it's amazing!
But much to our chagrin - it's not human nature to remain amped up to do anything forever - d@mnit.
So what do we do when these slumps hit? Sit on the couch, eat cheetos and wait for it to return, right?! Been there, done that, possibly doing it as you read this? But alas, it's not what brings the motivation back.
Research shows that motivation alone is not enough. In order to stay on track, reach our goals, not feel like a lazy POS :) - discipline must come into play.
We have to be disciplined enough to get to the gym on the days we don't feel like it, eat a balanced meal when we really just want ice cream for dinner, and tackle that annoying task instead of binging Netflix.
This doesn't mean we need to be perfect all the time - lord knows that ain't happenin (speaking from experience.) It means that we need to be disciplined and consistent most of the time.
Inspiration happens in motion. So even when we don't feel like it, oftentimes if we just GET MOVING, the motivation we've been yearning for returns.
This isn't easy, and most of us can't do it on our own. Finding a workout routine that you actually enjoy, a workout buddy or coach to hold you accountable, and a trusted program that delivers results will help.
A few of the many reasons why women should lift weights.
You've probably heard that the benefits of strength training in women are: to boost your metabolism and to loose weight . . . . . . . .
While there is definitely some truth behind both of these, there are so many more benefits to women lifting weights.
More Energy
The stronger we get, the better we feel - mentally and physically. When we feel good, we're able to accomplish so much more. Our society is a demanding place. We're all so incredibly busy with work, family, social activities, and lord knows what else - we really can't afford to feel like crap.
Age More Gracefully
With the cosmetic industry as successful as it is today, we KNOW this is something y'all care about :) And so do we! Building strong muscles and bones will allow you to continue doing the things you love without aches and pains, helping you feel younger for longer. Who doesn't want that?!
Be Better at Life
Being strong makes everyday activities so much easier! Things like: carrying your groceries, playing with your kids, lifting your suitcase into the overhead bin on an airplane, the list goes on. Being able to accomplish these activities on your own is super empowering.
Take Care of Your Mental Health
There are so many more benefits to strength training, but these are a few to get your wheels turning. Dedicating time for yourself to workout is so important. Seeing and feeling yourself improve in the gym is one of the absolute best self esteem boosters on the planet.
The more strong, capable, happy women we have in this world - the better! New Member Special - 2 Weeks for $25!!
Happy Lifting!
As the summer is winding down, the fall weather is finally here. That means that it's time to get back outside and enjoy the sunny, 70 degree days. Even better news, you can bring your workouts outdoors again! Here are our top 6 reasons why you should move your workout outside:
1 - Absorb some of that healthy sunlight
Sunlight, through Vitamin D, helps us fight feelings of depression and heart disease. The UVB rays in sunlight work with the cholesterol in our skin to produce Vitamin D within the kidneys and liver. Along with the natural production of Vitamin D, sunlight also helps to lower blood pressure, in turn reducing the risk of heart disease. With sunlight, your body releases a compound called nitric oxide that causes the blood vessels to dilate. As such, the blood pressure is lowered, leading to overall healthiness and a longer life. Sunshine also is a mood booster that helps you fight depression. Ever notice that slump you fall in during the cold and dreary, winter months? That is because your body is not producing as much serotonin, a neurotransmitter with an effect of calmness, due to this lack of sunshine
2 - Lower your stress levels
“Various studies have shown that activities performed in the "wilderness or urban nature areas" show results of reduced stress. According to other studies published by the Journal of Environmental Psychology, people feel "more alive" when they take their workouts outdoors. They even showed that a person who walked outside reported more enjoyment and received higher results on vitality and energy tests (lower anxiety and depression) than a person who walked inside on a treadmill.”
3 - Room to Move
“There's no denying the energy of a Heat workout in the studio - but bringing your training outdoors to an open field or park will allow you to move in some ways that are limited indoors. Challenging exercises such as sled pushes and pulls, hill sprints, ladder drills, and medicine ball throws to name a few are all much easier accessed at an outdoor workout. Also, while treadmills are great great training tools, they are no match for real running outdoors.
4 - Fresh Air
While we work hard to keep our gym clean, there is no denying the benefits of getting outside for some fresh air. The EPA found that indoor air is 2 -5 times more polluted than outdoor air. If you have a typical job, you probably spend at least 8 hours each day - so the fresh air could do your body good!
5 - Change of Scenery
A change of pace can be crucial to keeping your workout routine interesting, thus keeping you motivated to stick with it for the long haul. Getting outside is one the best ways to break up the monotony of your typical workout. Luckily for us, the city of Raleigh is filled with great parks (Halifax and Fletcher, to name a few), along with greenways, trails, rivers and lakes. There's no better time to take advantage of all of these opportunities than this time of year in NC.
6 - Fun!
Let's not forget that working out should be enjoyable! What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? Whether it's playing organized sports, swimming, running, or one of the many other options we have access to here in Raleigh -- grab a workout partner or two, get out in the sunshine and move! If your exercise routine puts a smile on your face, you'll be much more likely to stick with it.
This Fall, break the routine and get outside and move! You’ll be glad you did.
Consistency, intelligent programming, fun, mindfulness, and intensity are what drives results in the gym. Not how dead you feel after every workout!
No matter where you are on your fitness journey, it is easy to get wrapped up in the common misconception of workouts only being effective if we essentially have to be dragged off the gym floor...
I hear it all the time, "Wow, that workout really kicked my ass!" or "I could barely walk for a week!" as if it is a badge that should be worn with pride. This may surprise a few people, but most of your workouts should actually have you feeling better when you walk out of the gym than when you walked in. Wait, what? Working out isn't supposed to put you in a constant state of soreness and fatigue? Yep, you heard it right. Smart training is supposed to make you feel good.
Don't get me wrong – burning muscles, heavy breathing, and sweat are all integral parts of any successful program, but grueling workouts are only one small piece to the puzzle in regards to achieving results and staying injury free in the long term.
A smart and effective training program can be broken down into five major parts: Consistency, intelligent programming, fun, mindfulness, and intensity. Let's look at each one in more detail:
Consistency: This one is pretty self-explanatory and the MOST important part of a successful fitness program. If you continuously show up and move your body, you’ll be well on your way to results.
Intelligent Programming: Essentially, this means making sure your workouts make sense for your goals. For example, if your goal is to lose fat, but you are only doing cardio, that’s not the right program for you because strength training(muscle) is essential for maximum fat loss - along with a good diet, of course. The good news is if you have general fitness goals - lose fat, gain muscle, feel better - your program should look something like this: a few days of strength training, a few days of interval or circuit training, some mobility work, and some REST. Don’t sleep on rest (haha - get it) – this could definitely be its own category so I want to make sure it is not grazed over. Rest not only includes getting ample sleep on a daily basis, but rest days also allow your body to recover from this stress and come back stronger.
Fun: Fun is both an underrated and underutilized part of a successful training program. Are you enjoying your training or does it always feel like work? If the latter is true, you’ll want to switch some things up. What forms of exercise do you love to do? What sports do you enjoy playing? Do you have a workout partner that makes exercise more enjoyable? Don’t get this twisted – training is going to be tough at times, but if you are constantly feeling beat up, tired, and dreading your next workout, there's a high likelihood that you are not going to stick with it in the long term.
Mindfulness: In other words, focus. When you are in the gym, it’s necessary to stay present and focused on the task at hand. What is the goal workout you are trying to accomplish? What is the goal of the specific exercise you are completing? How challenging is the weight you are using? Are you using the best possible form for effectiveness and injury prevention? More often than not, we see people just going through the motions in the gym, and while that is absolutely better than sitting on your butt, the addition of this level of detail will most certainly give your training a boost.
Intensity: There is a reason this concept is saved for last - and it's not because it's the least important. While training intensity is a major factor in achieving results, it should only be added once the other pieces are in place. Here's why:
Intensity without consistency = lack of results and high chance of injury
Intensity without intelligent programming = lack of results and high chance of injury
Intensity without fun = lack of results because there’s a good chance you won’t stay consistent - because training sucks
Intensity without mindfulness = can lead to short term results, but comes with a very high chance of injury
See my point? Intensity is a good thing and an absolute necessity if you are looking to achieve high levels of health and fitness. That said, it only becomes your friend once you have the other principles in place to go along with it.
It is when you can get each of these components working together that you will achieve results that last a lifetime.