training Megan Hanna training Megan Hanna


Don’t feel like working out? I get it. Sometimes you need a few days off, maybe a week off, or even longer in some cases. But what happens when you take too much time off? When the couch becomes your bestie and the thought of going to the gym fills you with dread? You’ll have even LESS energy and motivation to get to the gym than you did before!

A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion remains in motion until an outside force steps in. It’s Newton’s Law my friend and it doesn’t only apply to outer space, it applies to human physiology as well :)

If you have no energy to work out, working out will give you more energy to work out. No, that was not a typo 😂

Those first couple workouts back will be tough, but once you get going you’ll wonder why you ever quit.

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fitness, training, general health Megan Hanna fitness, training, general health Megan Hanna


One of the most important keys to progress in the gym is prioritizing your goals over your moods.  

Whether your goal is to lose body fat, build strength, look better naked, or anything in between . . . if you rely solely on your moods to get you to the gym everyday, you probably won't be hitting that PR anytime soon :(

I don't know about you, but I don't always FEEL like working out.  Sometimes I want to continue whatever it is I'm working on, sometimes I'm cranky, and sometimes I'm just downright lazy 🤷‍♀️  But if I skipped my workout every time I wasn't feeling it, I'd be a lot less fit than I am now - and that doesn't align with my goals.

So next time you're wavering on getting into the gym or not, instead of asking yourself "do I feel like it?" ask "who do I want to be tomorrow?"  And hopefully that will steer you in the right direction.

Enthusiasm fluctuates, but consistent action accumulates.  

goals > moods

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training, general health, nutrition Megan Hanna training, general health, nutrition Megan Hanna


You know something amazing about fitness? You can spend years trashing your body . . . . eating like crap, not moving enough, getting poor sleep . . . . and you can turn it all around with just ONE step in the right direction.

One healthy meal.

One walk.

One workout.

One good night sleep.

One healthy choice can completely change your wellness trajectory.

The human body is extremely resilient. People can spend years, even decades in poor health and then reverse it with consistent effort.

Whether you've fallen off for weeks, months, or years - you can get back on track. Start with one healthy choice. You'll not only feel better physically, but you'll be proud of yourself too - and THAT might be more powerful than anything.

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training, general health Megan Hanna training, general health Megan Hanna


Happy New Year!  I hope you're coming off some happy times with friends, family, good food, and a break from the daily grind.  For those of you that may not love the holidays, might feel completely stressed out by them, I hope you are now recovering!

January is a buzzy time. . . . people are inspired to get to the gym, dial in their nutrition, read all the books, and solve the world's problems.  If you're feeling that burst of motivation - then hell yea! capitalize on it and get to work.  You can accomplish a lot when fueled by new year resolution energy!

Heads up: buzz kill incoming . . . . 

Motivation alone is not enough.  Sorry to say it, but according to the research, it's true.  You actually already know this because it's happened to you a million times.  You're super motivated to start a new workout routine, nutrition plan, job, relationship - anything!  You put your best foot forward for a while and then inevitably, that motivation eventually wears off.  It's only natural.  You can't stay up that high forever. 

This is where consistency comes into play.  When our motivation wears off we have to fall back on consistency.  We need an established routine that's there for us when we don't feel like showing up.

So. . . . let's use this new year energy as fuel to form healthy habits.  Go ahead and get your workout schedule planned out and stick to it!  Create the routine while you're feeling motivated.  When the motivation leaves you, your routine will be there to catch you.

If you can stay consistent all year long, 2024 may just be your best one yet :)

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general health Megan Hanna general health Megan Hanna


Have you fallen into the "screw it, it's the holidays!" mindset when it comes to your health and fitness?  

Miss a few workouts because you have parties to go to, visiting guests to entertain, or you're just too tired from buying presents?! Before you know it those few workouts turn into weeks of no workouts, then out of nowhere it's been 2 months since you've been to the gym or eaten anything green.

Ya know what happens when you take months off from working out and eating well?  Not only is your progress stalled, but you also feel like crap.  And I don't know about you, but I can't afford to feel MORE crappy during the cold winter months.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't give yourself a break from time to time.  In fact, I'm trying to take a break erryday. But in general, moving our bodies and eating well around the holidays will take us far. 

Should you spend time with family and friends, have some drinks and treats this time of year if you want to? Absolutely!  And should you also continue moving your body and eating nourishing foods that will make you feel good and perform well?  Uh huh.  

Believe it or not, they can be done in tandem. If you feel like there's no way this is true - let us help you! We're all about balance around here.  Not just around the holidays, but in life! 

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training, general health, nutrition Megan Hanna training, general health, nutrition Megan Hanna


Motivation happens in motion. Unfortunately it doesn’t appear out of thin air and it doesn’t last forever. Sometimes we have to get moving to start feeling motivated!

Are you in a slump?  Trying to find the motivation to workout, eat nutritious foods, complete a nagging task on your to-do list?  How do we stay motivated??

The sad truth is . . . . . we don't. 

We've all felt that intoxicating rush of motivation when we first started a training program, a new job, or were preparing for an exciting event - it's amazing!  

But much to our chagrin - it's not human nature to remain amped up to do anything forever - d@mnit.

So what do we do when these slumps hit?  Sit on the couch, eat cheetos and wait for it to return, right?!  Been there, done that, possibly doing it as you read this? But alas, it's not what brings the motivation back.

Research shows that motivation alone is not enough.  In order to stay on track, reach our goals, not feel like a lazy POS :) - discipline must come into play.  

We have to be disciplined enough to get to the gym on the days we don't feel like it, eat a balanced meal when we really just want ice cream for dinner, and tackle that annoying task instead of binging Netflix.

This doesn't mean we need to be perfect all the time - lord knows that ain't happenin (speaking from experience.)  It means that we need to be disciplined and consistent most of the time.

Inspiration happens in motion.  So even when we don't feel like it, oftentimes if we just GET MOVING,  the motivation we've been yearning for returns.

This isn't easy, and most of us can't do it on our own.  Finding a workout routine that you actually enjoy, a workout buddy or coach to hold you accountable, and a trusted program that delivers results will help.

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