general health, training Megan Hanna general health, training Megan Hanna


We're getting a little sciencey today!  

You've heard me talk about the general benefits of strength training before, and while those still hold true. . .  today I want to dive a little deeper.  

Research shows that muscle mass is positively associated with various health biomarkers and longevity. (1)  

One of the most obvious benefits of having muscle mass is protection against fragility.  As we age, injuries are much more difficult to recover from.  Most of us know someone that was never the same after they fell and broke their hip :(  Muscle mass serves as a protective barrier around your bones and joints, so the more you have the better your body will handle injuries as you age. (2)

If you're thinking, "Meg - I'm young!  This doesn't apply to me."  Well, you won't be a spring chicken forever and you don't have to be a grandparent to hurt yourself.  Develop your healthy, strong habits now and thank me later :)  

Research also shows that higher muscle mass is positively related to insulin sensitivity.   WTH does that mean and why should you care?  Generally speaking, if you are insulin sensitive, your body's cells are able to effectively use glucose as energy and lower your blood sugar to healthy levels after you eat.   If you are insulin resistant, it takes much more insulin to reduce your blood sugar after eating which can be very taxing on your body.  So taxing that it can lead to Type 2 Diabetes, inflammation, and other chronic illnesses.  (3) 

So in addition to the many strength training benefits you've heard before, now we can add living longer with lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes and other life-altering illnesses to the list.  

I don't know about you, but I'm trying to stay healthy as long as possible.  Life is hard enough without being chronically ill!  

Stay strong and live long my friend.

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training Megan Hanna training Megan Hanna


Have you been following along for a while but haven't made your way into the gym yet? Or maybe you have been, but it's been some time.

First of all, thank you for reading whether you come to the gym or not! 

Have you wondered who exactly Heat is for?  Our program is designed in a very thoughtful, intentional way.  One that will certainly appeal to some more than others.

Heat classes are well suited for those that:
- want to get stronger, leaner, and feel their best without beating up their bodies in the process
- enjoy socializing and having fun while they workout
- appreciate and welcome hands-on coaching

Heat classes probably aren't for you if:
- you don't think your workout was worth it unless you feel like death after
- you think you should be in constant motion for every minute of your workout because "rest is for the weak"
- you're against lifting heavy for fear of getting "bulky"

If you're looking for a well rounded program that will help you get stronger, leaner, more athletic, and stay injury-free along the way - I think you should give Heat a shot. If you prefer a gym where no one will speak to you, coaches couldn't care less if you're doing exercises correctly, and you leave feeling like you've been hit by a truck. . . . Heat is probably not for you.

What can I say? We're built different! And we're pretty proud of that :)

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training Megan Hanna training Megan Hanna


Are you worried that if you lift weights you'll get bulky?  This is a concern we hear a lot, mostly from the ladies. And while I don't want to discount your worries - you have every right to care about your appearance - I'm here to tell you that building large amounts of muscle is no easy task.

Have you ever met a body builder? Ask them if they bulked up when they started lifting and they'll likely spit their gallon-sized water in your face!

It takes YEARS of dedication to put on large amounts of muscle. We're talking a completely dialed in diet, consistent training for years (sometimes multiple times per day,) lifting very heavy weights, and sometimes even a little help in the testosterone department - as most women generally lack the testosterone levels needed for significant muscle mass gain.

My favorite analogy for this is: thinking you'll turn into a body builder from lifting weights is like thinking you'll turn into a Nascar racer from driving a car.

Unless you decide to dedicate your life to getting bulky, it's probably not going to happen my dear.

So let's ditch the baby dumbbells and excessive cardio, and start challenging ourselves on the weights! I think you'll find that the benefits of strength training far outweigh any worries of turning into the incredible hulk.

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training Megan Hanna training Megan Hanna


Sore muscles don’t always mean you had a great workout. There are so many other important factors to take into account.

Ever found yourself so sore the day after a workout that you wince at the mere thought of stairs or sitting down on the toilet?! Many of us have experienced this and thought - yes! that must have been a great workout! It's a common belief that muscle soreness is an indicator of a productive workout, but let's explore why that might not always be the case.

Soreness isn't always a reliable indicator of progress.

Soreness is more often a result of doing something your muscles aren't accustomed to rather than a clear measure of strength gains. That's why you get super sore after starting a new training program or getting back in the gym after a vacation. Your muscles just aren't used to it!

Too much soreness can lead to injury.

Pushing your body to the point of extreme soreness too frequently can actually be counterproductive. If your body feels like crap going into every workout, the likelihood of getting hurt goes way up. Overtraining can lead to injuries and burnout, hindering your long-term fitness success. 

Recovery and consistency matter more!

Instead of focusing solely on soreness, consider your overall progress and recovery. Have you been able to increase your weights over time? Has your form improved? Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy throughout your day? 

These are the indicators of improvement in the gym. Consistency in your workouts, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest play a more substantial role in achieving your fitness goals than how sore you get.

While that feeling of soreness can feel rewarding and even addictive at times, remember it's not all that matters.  Not even close!  

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training Megan Hanna training Megan Hanna


A few of the many reasons why women should lift weights.

You've probably heard that the benefits of strength training in women are: to boost your metabolism and to loose weight . . . . . . . . 

While there is definitely some truth behind both of these, there are so many more benefits to women lifting weights.

More Energy

The stronger we get, the better we feel - mentally and physically.  When we feel good, we're able to accomplish so much more.  Our society is a demanding place.  We're all so incredibly busy with work, family, social activities, and lord knows what else - we really can't afford to feel like crap.  

Age More Gracefully

With the cosmetic industry as successful as it is today, we KNOW this is something y'all care about :) And so do we!  Building strong muscles and bones will allow you to continue doing the things you love without aches and pains, helping you feel younger for longer.  Who doesn't want that?!

Be Better at Life

Being strong makes everyday activities so much easier!  Things like: carrying your groceries, playing with your kids, lifting your suitcase into the overhead bin on an airplane, the list goes on.  Being able to accomplish these activities on your own is super empowering.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

There are so many more benefits to strength training, but these are a few to get your wheels turning. Dedicating time for yourself to workout is so important.  Seeing and feeling yourself improve in the gym is one of the absolute best self esteem boosters on the planet.  

The more strong, capable, happy women we have in this world - the better! New Member Special - 2 Weeks for $25!!

Happy Lifting!

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