general health Megan Hanna general health Megan Hanna


How do you get results FAST?! The truth is, you don't.  

Any results you get in a flash are likely acquired through unsustainable, unhealthy, uncontrollable behavior. Think fad diets, ultimate restriction, being so sick or stressed that you can't eat . . . . . yes you'll lose weight quickly but as soon as you get back to normal those "results" are a long lost memory.

The best way to results is CONSISTENCY.

What do I mean by "consistency?"

  • Workout.  Getting to the gym 3-5 days/week is a great start.

  • Walk.  Shoot for 7,000 - 10,000 steps per day. 

  • Sleep.  7-9 hours per night is a good baseline.

  • Eat enough protein.  Try for about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (if you weigh 150 lbs, try to eat about 150 grams of protein per day.

  • Get outside.  Contrary to societal norms, we were not designed to sit in front of computers under fluorescent light all day.  We need sunshine and nature to feel our best!

  • Limit alcohol consumption.  I know, booooo! I'm not saying you should stop drinking altogether.  But if you're drinking every night and/or binge drinking every weekend, it's going to be challenging to reach your fitness goals.

These are the basics.  Are they sexy?  No.  Will they help you achieve long-term health and wellness? Absolutely.

If you can consistently nail the basics, you may find that you don't need to change anything else to be where you want to be.

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