training Megan Hanna training Megan Hanna


Have you been following along for a while but haven't made your way into the gym yet? Or maybe you have been, but it's been some time.

First of all, thank you for reading whether you come to the gym or not! 

Have you wondered who exactly Heat is for?  Our program is designed in a very thoughtful, intentional way.  One that will certainly appeal to some more than others.

Heat classes are well suited for those that:
- want to get stronger, leaner, and feel their best without beating up their bodies in the process
- enjoy socializing and having fun while they workout
- appreciate and welcome hands-on coaching

Heat classes probably aren't for you if:
- you don't think your workout was worth it unless you feel like death after
- you think you should be in constant motion for every minute of your workout because "rest is for the weak"
- you're against lifting heavy for fear of getting "bulky"

If you're looking for a well rounded program that will help you get stronger, leaner, more athletic, and stay injury-free along the way - I think you should give Heat a shot. If you prefer a gym where no one will speak to you, coaches couldn't care less if you're doing exercises correctly, and you leave feeling like you've been hit by a truck. . . . Heat is probably not for you.

What can I say? We're built different! And we're pretty proud of that :)

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