Are you worried that if you lift weights you'll get bulky? This is a concern we hear a lot, mostly from the ladies. And while I don't want to discount your worries - you have every right to care about your appearance - I'm here to tell you that building large amounts of muscle is no easy task.
Have you ever met a body builder? Ask them if they bulked up when they started lifting and they'll likely spit their gallon-sized water in your face!
It takes YEARS of dedication to put on large amounts of muscle. We're talking a completely dialed in diet, consistent training for years (sometimes multiple times per day,) lifting very heavy weights, and sometimes even a little help in the testosterone department - as most women generally lack the testosterone levels needed for significant muscle mass gain.
My favorite analogy for this is: thinking you'll turn into a body builder from lifting weights is like thinking you'll turn into a Nascar racer from driving a car.
Unless you decide to dedicate your life to getting bulky, it's probably not going to happen my dear.
So let's ditch the baby dumbbells and excessive cardio, and start challenging ourselves on the weights! I think you'll find that the benefits of strength training far outweigh any worries of turning into the incredible hulk.